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Application for Admission to Morrison Academy
Please fill out the application form carefully. If you are unable to complete the application in one sitting,
you can save it to work on later (you must have entered a valid email address for this to work).
However, once the application has been submitted, it cannot be modified.
---------------Application Information---------------
Applying to: Application Type:
Applying for grade: School year applying for:
Is this your first application to Morrison Academy? Are you a returning Morrison Academy student?
---------------Family Information---------------
Student Passport Name (First Last): Chinese Name (請輸入中文):
Preferred Name (if different than above):
Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Sex:
Passport Number: Passport Country:
Passport Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Home Phone:
Father's Name (First Last): Chinese Name (請輸入中文):
Father's Occupation: Father's Employer:
Father's Email: Father's Work Phone:
   Send Correspondence to this email address. Father's Cell:
Mother's Name (First Last): Chinese Name (請輸入中文):
Mother's Occupation: Mother's Employer:
Mother's Email: Mother's Work Phone:
   Send Correspondence to this email address. Mother's Cell:

Did either parent of the applicant attend Morrison Academy as a student? If yes- which parent? Which campus(es)? What years?
Please enter the names of all immediate family members who are school age or below.
(Brothers and Sisters only - no other relatives)
Sibling Name
(First Last)
Chinese Name
(if applicable)
Birthdate Grade Campus Location




---------------Mailing Address---------------
---------------Language Survey---------------
What was the first language your child learned to speak?

What language do you, the parents, use most often in your home?

Mother is comfortable:
    speaking English
    reading English
Father is comfortable:
    speaking English
    reading English
---------------Applicant's School History---------------
Your child's current grade is: and will be completed on (mm/yyyy): 

Please enter the schools attended by your child during the last 3 years (including the current school year)
School Name School Location (Country) Language of Instruction Dates Attended Grades completed
From To


Use CTRL to select more than one grade.





The questions in the following sections have Chinese and Korean translations to prevent misunderstandings.
Even though we provide these translations, please respond in English only.

Press the button to see a different translation.

---------------Additional School Information---------------
Complete disclosure and/or documentation of previous medical and/or educational assessments, and support services received must be submitted upon request. Failure to disclose information may result in a denial of admission or dismissal from the school. 必須主動告知並根據馬禮遜學校要求提交完整之醫療和/或教育評估,以及所接受的早期療育或支持性課程的記錄。 未據實提供以上資料可能導致拒絕錄取或退學。 요청 시 이전 의료 및/또는 교육 평가와 받은 지원 서비스에 대한 전체 공개 및/또는 문서를 제출해야 합니다. 정보를 공개하지 않을 경우 입학을 거부하거나 퇴학 될 수 있습니다.

Has your child received any prior educational assessment (i.e. Speech and Language, Reading, Cognitive, Psychological, Psycho-Educational, Occupational Therapy or Gifted/Talented)? 您的孩子是否曾接受任何學前教育評估 (如: 表達能力和語言、 閱讀、 認知、 心理、 心理教育、職業治療、或資優/特殊才能) ? 여러분의 자녀가 사전 교육평가를 받아본적이 있습니까? 예를 들어 연설이나 언어방면, 읽기, 인지도, 심리상태, 심리교육, 직업적 테라피, 영재교육 등등?

Please check any support services your child has received in the course of his/her education. 若您的孩子曾經上過以下的特殊課程,請勾選。 여러분의 자녀가 교육과정에 있어서 아래와 같은 지원서비스를 받아본적이 있습니까?

  English as a Second Language英語為第二種語言English as a Second Language
Remedial/Learning Support補救/學習支援Remedial/Learning Support
Learning Disabilities學習障礙Learning Disabilities
Inclusion Services融合教育Inclusion Services

Occupational Therapy職能治療Occupational Therapy
Speech/Language Therapy語言治療Speech/Language Therapy

Behavior Management行為管理Behavior Management
Individual/Family Counseling個人/家庭諮商Individual/Family Counseling
Has IEP/504個別化教育計劃Has IEP/504

Please describe any checked boxes: 請說明所勾選的項目: 체크하신 항목에 대해서 설명해 주십시요.

Do you believe your child needs further support or consideration from any of the above? 您的孩子除上述資源外,是否仍需其它教育資源嗎? 귀하의 자녀가 상기사항과 관련하여 추가적인 지원이 필요하다고 생각합니까?

Has your child ever been suspended or expelled? 學生是否曾被留校查看或退學? 당신의 자녀가 정학이나 퇴학을 당한적이 있습니까?

Please provide any other information that you feel would assist us in partnering with you in the education of your child. This information may include medical diagnoses that your child has not received educational support services for. 請提供您認為有助於我們與您合作共同教育您孩子的任何其他資訊。 這些資訊可能包括您的孩子尚未接受早期療育或支持性課程的醫療診斷。 당신 자녀의 교육에 함께 협력하는데 도움이 될만한 그밖의 정보를 제공해 주시기 바랍니다. 이 정보에는 자녀가 교육 지원 서비스를 받지 못한 의료 진단이 포함될 수 있습니다.
----------------Teacher Reference-----------------
Please provide 2 teacher references (who are not related to your child), including one from your child’s homeroom or English/Math teacher, from a school your child has attended within the past 2 years. Kindly note that we will be communicating with both of these individuals separately to receive a better understanding of your child's needs and aptitudes. You may submit this application without providing these references. However, if your child is considered for testing/interview, we will contact these individuals, and their feedback is required before we can consider your child for admission. 請提供兩位近兩年內無親屬關係之任教老師聯絡方式,若無法及時提供,仍可上傳報名表,但需於資料補齊才算完成報名程序, 可進入下一階段。當學校有空缺,您的孩子被邀約來考試面試,我們將電郵聯絡這兩位老師,請他們提供孩子相關資訊。 귀하의 자녀가 최근 2년간 다녔던 학교에 근무하시는 선생님 두 분(가족/친지 제외)으로 부터 입학추천서를 받아 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. 귀하의 자녀의 소질과 필요를 더욱 잘 이해하기 위해 향후에 추천서를 작성하신 선생님들께 모리슨 국제학교 에서 개별적으로 연락을 드릴 예정임을 이해해 주시기 바랍니다. 추천서 없이 입학원서를 제출하는 것도 가능합니다만 입학 사정 절차에 따라 귀하의 자녀의 입학시험 및 인터뷰를 진행하게 된 경우 추천서를 제출하신 분들의 피드백이 입학 여부를 결정을 하는데 크게 도움이 될 것임을 알려드립니다.
Teacher Name Teacher's Official School Email Address School Name
(one of the schools listed above)

---------------For Our Own Interest---------------
What are your child’s chief strengths and interests? 您孩子的專長與興趣。 귀하의 자녀의 가장 큰 장점과 관심분야는 어디에 있습니까?

What are your child’s areas of greatest need? 您孩子最需要加強的地方。 귀하의 자녀의 가장 크게 학교의 도움이 필요한 분야는 어디에 있습니까?

How did you hear about Morrison? 您是如何知道馬禮遜學校的? 당신은 모리슨에 대해서 어떻게 알게 되었습니까?

Why do you want your child to attend Morrison? 您為什麼希望您的孩子就讀馬禮遜學校? 왜 여러분의 자녀가 모리슨에 입학하기를 희망하십니까?

If your child is not currently in Taiwan, when will they be arriving? (mm/dd/yyyy): 如果您的孩子目前不在台灣,他們將於何時返台? (月/日/西元年): 여런분의 자녀가 현재 대만에 있지 않다면 언제 그가 대만에 도착할 예정입니까? (월/일/년도)
I acknowledge that during the school calendar year my child must live with a parent, guardian, or an adult designated by a parent or guardian and that any designated adult must be approved by the school principal. I certify that the information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. I acknowledge that failure to fully disclose or accurately represent student and family information may result in a denial of admission or dismissal from the school. 我接受在校期間我的孩子必須與家長、監護人、或由家長或監護人指定的成人共同居 住,且被指定的成人需經校長同意。我證明我所提供的訊息是就我所知最正確而完整 的。我明白若未完全據實告知或確實陳述學生與家庭資訊可能導致拒絕錄取或退學。 나는 나의 자녀가 재학 기간 동안 부모와 거주하거나 또는 학칙에 따라 부모와 학교가 승인하는 보호자와 함께 생활하여야 할 것을 인정합니다. 나는 제출된 서류의 기록이 사실과 틀림 없음을 확인합니다. 만약 학생과 가족에 대한 정보가 허위로 발견되어지면 학교로 부터 입학 취소나 퇴학 조치를 받을 것을 인정합니다.